Permanent Leadership – Administrative Director Cancer Services – Case #4341

Aim/Client Goals for Engagement

HealthLinx’ aim was to acquire a highly qualified Administrative Director Cancer Services Leader for the Cancer Program in 120 days.


Following an initial conversation with the client, the HealthLinx Permanent Leadership Acquisition Process (PL120) was implemented in order to remove existing threats and acquire a quality permanent leader within 120 days.

HealthLinx always performs a diagnostic assessment, sets realistic expectations, and then uses its proven processes and best practices. Using this highly prescriptive process, all levels of the organization were engaged to develop and then execute the project plan.

Key Takeaways/Lessons Learned

  1. Riskholder Alignment: Achieved 100% consensus of primary and secondary riskholders during Diagnostic Assessment – 0 days lost
  2. Desirability: High cost of living – 0 days lost
  3. Intangibles: Faith-based culture and SeniorTeam culture – 16 days lost
    Mitigated by further expanding with tangible items on what faith-based culture or the “WOW” factor means within this organization
  4. Following set plan: Pre-scheduled strategy meetings and pre-schedule interviews and offer phase – 7 days saved

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