Celebrating 20 Years at HealthLinx

I founded HealthLinx at 26, right out of law school, to help reduce the leadership gaps which exist in the healthcare field. Over the years, we’ve evolved into a world-class organization with one mission: empowering hospitals and nurse leaders all over the globe to provide their patients with the best care possible.

I never envisioned myself as much of an entrepreneur, but I fell in love with this business on many levels and poured every ounce of energy I have into the company for the last 2 decades. One of my biggest takeaways is you need to care about your customers, at HealthLinx that’s the hospitals, patients and families we’re working with. It’s one of many philosophies which forms our company’s culture and drives our business: it’s all about our clients and the value and outcomes they’re receiving.

I’ve been blessed with working alongside the best talent in the country. Everyone at HealthLinx cares about making a difference in our client’s day-to-day operations just as much as I do. Our success is truly because of the hard work and dedication of our team through the years. HealthLinx also wouldn’t be where we are today without the love and support of my husband, Matt. As the COO of HealthLinx, Matt is dedicated to directly working with our employees to constantly improve the value we deliver to our clients.

It’s been an amazing journey, with a lot of responsibility and ups and downs, but I couldn’t see myself at any other place at this point in my life. I look forward to many more years of continuing our mission and leveraging HealthLinx to improve healthcare leadership and overall hospital excellence as we know it.

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