Thoughts for 2020 – CNO’s and Hospital Leaders

The recent article in Fierce Healthcare relays predictions for the year 2020 from a group of healthcare leaders from diverse settings.  They offer interesting insights on organizational collaboration, artificial intelligence (A.I.), leveraging home-based monitoring, improved access to care and even “jumping the shark”.  The year 2020 will bring dramatic changes to all facets of healthcare.  It will be a year that sees exponential growth in technology.  These new technologies, joined with A.I., will decentralize systems and provide care to patients where they need it – when they need it.   This will greatly impact access to care and help to mitigate healthcare disparities.

2020 is an election year, as always politics will have its own impact on healthcare.  One opportunity for improvement lies in bringing regulations up to speed with advancement in technology and data collection, mining and sharing.  A second opportunity is to safeguard the safety of staff and patients by assuring the environments in which patients receive care is safe and healing.

Beyond change in technologies and political climates, health care still comes down to humans caring for humans.  Healthcare affects all aspects of life.  Human health is affected by advancements in technology.  A third opportunity is to engage nurses in these advancements and to share those innovative practices across the nation.

In 2020, intentional focus on nurse engagement will support nurses to do what they do best everyday – provide safe, competent and extraordinary care to patients and their families.  The American Nurses Association (ANA) has deemed 2020 the “year of the nurse”.  In her diary, Florence Nightingale shared that it would take about 150 years to see nurses practice the way she had envisioned. 

When these advancements are implemented with a patient-centered focus it will be exciting to witness.  2020 will be a great year.



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