2023 AONL Conference- Nurse Leader Survey Results

Healthlinx exhibited at the 2023 American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) Conference that took place on May 1-4 (exhibitor days 2nd & 3rd) in Anaheim, CA. We used the opportunity to survey attending Nurse Leaders about some of their experiences in their organizations. 

View the results to the survey questions and see if you feel similarly to AONL responders:

  • Are you currently Designated, or on a Nursing Excellence Journey (Magnet® or Pathway to Excellence®)?
  • How valuable would it be to visualize the dollar value of jour journey over time?
  • What has been the biggest struggle in engaging nursing staff over the past 12 months?
  • What level of leadership vacancies are the hardest to fill in your hospital?
  • How effective do you feel the process for filling leadership positions is? (on average)
  • What is the process/method for filling leadership positions in your hospital (most often)?


Download The 2023 AONL Survey Results



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