Strategic Planning Webinar – Q&A Follow Up

During our recent Executive Organizational Excellence webinar, ‘Strategic Planning: Execution from the Boardroom to the Bedside,’ we opened the session to our audience for questions. We selected a couple of those questions to address in more detail, which is listed below.

  1. How many objectives should a strategic plan have?

A Becker’s Hospital Review (2012) survey with over 150 hospital executive respondents noted the following:  25% had 11-20 objectives in their plan, and 27% had 21 or more. So, we must ask ourselves what is actually achievable? We all have pressure from our health system or may be responding to market pressure and/or regulatory and safety standards from outside bodies. But even with the notion that all issues are equally important, how do we boil it down and settle on the right number and type of objectives that we can actually accomplish? In reviewing the literature, I saw anywhere from 5-7 strategic goals in the widely regarded “best plans” (check out Johns Hopkins strategic plan – it’s actually on their website for public consumption).

  1. Are there any examples of “good” strategic plans?

Yes, as noted above, Johns Hopkins Medicine has their plan right on the website!  You may view it at


Achieveit. July 27, 2012.  The Only Five Strategic Plan Objectives You’ll Ever Need. Becker’s Hospital Review.

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