Nurse Leader Roundtable: Nurse Well-being

HealthLinx’ experts Jeanne Schuppe, MSN, RN, CEN, AIM and Julie Marconi, MSN, RN, BSBM, CPC, CPMA, CCC facilitated a roundtable discussion around the topic of Nurse Well-being. This was attended by nurse leaders and 6 selected panelists from HealthLinx partner facilities.

Topics covered included:

  • What is nurse well-being to you? 

      • Have you asked your nurses what well-being means to them? 

  • How do you balance well-being support with messaging of accountability? 

      • Are you seeing Nurse Managers ignore or not address poor behavior due to the fear of losing staff?  

  • What staffing model have you put in place or would you like to put in place to better support your Nurses?

View the Event Recording


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