A Transitional Leadership Project in a large Med-Surg unit reduced falls, implemented LPNs and reduced Agency use saving $1 Million+
The HealthLinx Difference: Jeanne Schuppe MSN, RN, CEN, AIM
Meet Jeanne Schuppe, Vice President of Accounts & Organizational Strategy at HealthLinx. Jeanne drives transformative improvements in hospital culture, quality, patient satisfaction, processes, and financial performance. Jeanne’s strengths lie in her background...
Med-Surg/Oncology Transitional Leadership results in $1.6 Million – Case Study #1287
A Transitional Leader in the Med-Surg/Oncology space helped this facility see over $1.6 Million in Financial Benefit.
The HealthLinx Difference: Julie Marconi, MSN, RN, BSBM, CPC, CPMA, CCC
Meet Julie Marconi, Vice President of Accounts & Organizational Strategy at HealthLinx as she celebrates her 40th year as a nurse!
Fortitude for Intentional Disruption and Change – Transitional Leadership
You need to improve a department or function in your hospital that is not living up to its potential. Well, something needs to change- something needs to be disrupted.
Results from Surveying HealthLinx Leaders in 2023 about their Experience
The survey results demonstrate common experiences and takeaways shared by our leader partners. The survey’s goal is to obtain actionable insights into positive changes we can make working towards our mission.
Give Managers The Tools They Need
This webinar will provide insights into how the presenting leaders effectively utilized the AONL’s Leadership Principles, as well as how to establish these practices among your own leaders.
The HealthLinx Difference: Brad Robinson, MBA, BSN, RN.
Brad’s strengths lie in his unyielding passion for clinical excellence, operational prowess, and an unwavering commitment to patient safety and satisfaction
Transitional Leadership Project Brings in $6 Million in Positive Financial Benefit Case Study #4258
See how a transitional perioperative services leader in the southwest region of the U.S. increased billable hours, decreased labor costs and helped a new hospital gain $6,647,813 in financial benefit.
Transitional Emergency Department Nurse Leader Improves LWBS & Throughput – #2170
See how the a Transitional Nurse Leader in the Emergency Department improved LWBS to realize $52K Financial Benefit in six months.
Leading Multi-generational Teams
This webinar will focus on returning to the basics of leading nurses through this new era of healthcare delivery. Specifically, support and…
Hot Leader Spotlight-Interim Emergency Department Leader #256295
This leader has 20 years of progressive leadership expertise as both a director and CNO within Critical Access, Level I, IV, V Trauma facilities, and Not-For-Profit.